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nr  ↓ name  ↓ Name Source  ↓
505Cava Named for a figure from old Peruvian mythology. (AN 169, 95 (1905))
1915Quetzalcoatl Named for the god of wisdom and culture who brought learning to the Toltec people and has been famil
1980Tezcatlipoca Named for the Toltec god of matter, “the smoking mirror”, the counterpart to (1915) Quetzálcoatl, “t
2449Kenos Named for the first man in the mythology of the native Americans of Tierra del Fuego, sent by the Su
2738Viracocha Named for the supreme being in Inca mythology. He created the human race and gave them laws for whic
2739Taguacipa Named for the great Deceiver in Inca mythology. He is the evil dual of the creator of the human race
3749Balam Named in honor of David D. Balam, research assistant at the University of Victoria’s Climenhaga Obse
7480Norwan Norwan, as the “dancing porcupine woman” of the California Wintuns, was a goddess of light who broug
9480IntiNamed for the sun god in Inca religion, also called Apu-Punchau, believed to be the ancestor of the
37655IllapaIllapa was the thunder or weather god of the Incas. Hailing rain down from the celestial river (the
50000QuaoarQuaoar is the great force of creation in the diverse myths of the Tongva, the indigenous people of t

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